When it’s Good, it’s Damn Good


When it’s Good, it’s Damn GoodAs my first story on Xhamster, I found it fitting to write a true and personal story. One that portrays a bit about who I am and where I come from while also entwining some sexy tidbits. As I mention later on, I have a day job which I love, but I also have a night job which I love even more and that’s writing. This isn’t the sort of thing I typically write, so it might be a little different. A fair warning, this story does have some length to it. Although I would hope if you’re reading stories, length isn’t an issue.I have known this woman since before my twenties, going on 11 years now. At first, we knew each other only through mutual friends and by name. I remember the first day I met her, oddly enough. My friends and I were in my front yard, just doing what people do, hanging out. One of them invited her over and I’m pretty sure since the first time I saw her on that chilly, sunny autumn day, I knew what road we would be heading towards.I knew her as Ashley, but a name without a face is just a blank void that fills no depth or emotional dimension and essentially means nothing. When I saw her though, that void was filled, I saw where she came from and who she was, and I loved it. I could see the pain and indifference in her that no one else could see. Before I even talked to her, I knew who she was by word of mouth, I just needed to see her face to make everything come into perspective. She had quite a promiscuous reputation but of course, I had no idea it would be another 5 years until we fucked for the first time.When I first met her, I was engaged to someone else and I was an honest man, I looked but never touched. I constantly kept my distance from other women because I knew exactly how easy it was to cheat if the circumstances were perfect for it, if you allowed feelings to invade. Temptation is a bitch. Ashley was a bigger woman, exactly the kind I liked. Not extremely obese to the point where you could hear her breathing from across the room, but she was chunky in all the right places. Her thighs and legs were thick and full, as were her breasts. She had long, brown hair with blonde highlights. Her chin was small and had a slight dimple in the middle. Her teeth were frosty white and accentuated well with her streaming highlights. Her nose came to a cute, rounded point at the tip. Her eyes were big, hazel, and seductive. She knew how to use them to get what she wanted. In spite of being a bigger lady, her face said she was a hundred pounds. It was as chiseled as a statue, but softer than fine silk. When our eyes met for that first time, I saw two things; naive lust and severe curiosity. She knew right then and there I wanted her as much as she wanted me, but she didn’t understand why my eyes also said no. As I said, I was an honest man.The next few hours passed slowly, as I remember. There wasn’t any real reason for time to dawdle, the beer was flowing and everyone was laughing and getting hammered. Besides the mandatory hellos, Ashley and I never spoke that night, but we did share glances and sometimes those small, seemingly insignificant things are the most dangerous. I knew this and kept my distance. When we did share a brief glance that was all too difficult to escape from, there was no confusion in what was there from either side. It was primitive a****l lust, nothing more or less and for the time being, I left it where it was as I had prior obligations.A few years passed and my relationship was still going strong and we were happy. Although, as a general rule, life is one ironic bastard. My fiance had slowly become better friends with Ashley since that first day. Naturally, I got to know her better and realized she really did live up to her slutty reputation. You would think a happily engaged man would be deterred by a woman who spread her legs so easily, and with any other circumstance or person, I would have been. How I felt towards her was different than with other easy women and to this day I couldn’t tell you why even if I wanted to. I worked twelve hour shifts at the time so I really didn’t see Ashley a lot and I was glad. I hated having to avoid her line of sight when all I wanted to do was become entranced by it. I hoped something would happen between her and my fiance, a friendship fallout or some other scenario which would allow me to escape this situation before something bad happened. As it turned out, Ashley became pregnant and was living in her car. My fiance had a big heart and was also entirely oblivious to mine and Ashley’s hostile, primitive connection, so she of course offered her to move in with us and get on her feet. See how that ironic bastard works? I think I would have taken the sweet, thunderous pain of physical torture over the mind fuck torture I endured over the next few grueling months. Between working twelve hour shifts and sleeping for six hours, I wasn’t left with much home time. My fiance was in college and I was the primary income earner. I supported myself and two other women, with money to spare. I heard the threesome related rumors at work and I had to honestly laugh with everyone else, it was a great thought to have and look forward to. But it never did happen with Ashley. When I was home from work my fiance was already home from school so the one on one interactions with Ashley were quite rare and I was more than thankful for that at the time. When these fleeting occasions did occur, I was tossed straight into a mixed up emotional barrel. Even halfway through her pregnancy, I still wanted to fuck her like there was no tomorrow. When we had short but seemingly endless time together, she would find it especially humorous to pull her already too revealing shorts up just a bit further and watch me struggle to not look at her exposed, flawless thighs. She would wear sleeveless shirts that showed just enough of her side boob to make me want to see more, much more. Often times I caught her staring at the bulge in my pajama pants, and she looked like she could have been drooling slightly. She would catch me catching her and abruptly look away, with a smile on her face and the innocent eyes flashing like mad. Most of all, Ashley loved “accidentally” bumping into me. Sometimes my thigh, sometimes my knee, but most often it was right on my dick. She would then bat her eyelids at me and apologize with her sexy I’m so innocent grin. It was these times that were most difficult, when her eyes lit up like other-worldly diamonds and her smile whispered enticing words of excitement, pleasure, and heart pounding risk. It took every single ounce of me to not to do the only thing I wanted, which was to bend her over the couch and fuck her raw. I was only able to restrain myself because I really did love my fiance and she was more important to me than a pregnant slut. At this point, Ashley knew she had me. She knew I would cave eventually. She knew there wasn’t a soul on the planet that could resist an attraction this strong and intoxicating. I was completely clueless, I thought I could go on fighting her advances for an eternity with love as my right iron hand and guiding light.A different(maybe even better) man would have told his fiance what her so called friend’s true intentions were. I’m honestly not sure why I never said anything. I think maybe, I felt this was a test I gave to myself. A loyalty test where if I passed, I could really call myself a better man. Or maybe I never said anything because I’m not şehitkamil escort that better man and because I really did want to fuck Ashley and become a cheater. Perhaps it’s a mix of both, after all, I am just a non-perfect human. I can’t say for sure though and perhaps if I had told my fiance, the fantasy joke threesome may have evolved into reality. Irregardless, I did endure her onslaught and when she had two months left of her pregnancy, she moved two hours away to live with her dad. I deemed myself a better man that day, one who could resist temptation and stand with his head held high and chest expanded like Superman. The cold reality is that I was a naive idiot, thinking my life was perfect and I was untouchable after my recent conquest.Time passed on like a winding, infinite river and it was as slow as a decrepit old man with Arthritis of the knees. I was hitting rock bottom in my life. I quit my job and became addicted to computer games like poker. I isolated myself from everyone I loved. I had fallen into a deep, life consuming depression. This was cause by quite a few factors, most of which I was blind to. When I was eighteen and in high school football practice, I tore a muscle in my back, clean apart. The scar tissue was finally catching up to me and making my life a living physical hell. My last day on the job doing hard labor I managed to pull off getting a slipped disc, a pinched nerve, and a herniated disc. I finished out the rest of my seven hour shift, slightly limping the entire time. I had a vigorous stack of unchecked mental disorders bouncing around, the worst of them being bi-polar disorder. Each day was a living nightmare both physically and emotionally. I barely ate, never made human contact, and would get extremely pissed off when someone attempted to get close to me. I didn’t know everything that was wrong with me and at this point, I didn’t care if I lived or died. In fact, I often thought of ending the vicious pain myself and how stereo-typically easy it would have been to achieve. Disgustingly, the only thing that kept me going was my escape, my fantastic poker addiction. My fiance was now working and going to college, with me now being a prick and lazy bum 24/7 our relationship was extremely screwed. I was too distracted by my problems and addictions to see it or even think it was a possible outcome. As time infinitely marched on, so did the end of our relationship, long before both of us even realized it.Ashley and my fiance still talked every now and then. Ashley still lived with her dad and her baby was doing well, the typical talk, all over text message though. My fiance and I became increasingly distant, as one would expect. She was spending more and more time at the bars, I hardly noticed or cared. She was fed up with my depressed moping around, my sudden out bursts of anger, my ability to mimic a sloth every day, but most of all, she was fed up with me pushing her out and away. If our sex life existed, it would have resembled a limp noodle trying to squeeze through a strainer. My mind was entirely lost to the haze of time and my sex drive went with it. She gave up trying to be there for me. She gave up trying to help me. She gave up on me period, but I couldn’t blame her when I was clearly the one who had given up first.After I successful pushed everyone away, the bleak feeling of truly being alone pulsed through me and became stronger every gloomy day. Loneliness began thwarting my addiction like a cancer and suicide looked more like a blessing every day. I had never been more vulnerable in my life, to anything, and it’s like she knew. It’s like Ashley knew exactly when to message me. I had forgotten all about her along with everything and everyone else. I had forgotten her eyes, her smile, her legs, and most of all, how she made me feel. I felt something, for the first time in what seemed like eternity. Besides anguish, misery, pain, self pity, and doubt, I felt something exquisitely good. She played her words well, she knew what to say and when to say it. Granted, It’s much easier to seduce a man when he doesn’t have much to live for compared to when he was virtually on top of the world. For me, my good feeling continued to grow and build on itself. I felt my old sex drive coming back, that heavy, intense urge to be a fucking a****l. We talked for a few more weeks and one day she said she was visiting in town and wanted to stop by. My fiance was at school or work, I have no idea which. I said yes. I was watching something on tv when she came in. She said she had only a couple minutes because a friend was waiting in her car. We talked in person, the first time since living with me two years ago. Only, things were different this time. She knew they were, but she didn’t know how much different and neither did I. I was willing to find out though. On her way out the door, as if it were an after thought, she asked if she could kiss me. Without warning, my heart began to jackhammer in my chest. My thoughts were a grisly cloud of shit. She looked and smelled so good, I said yes. In short, it was the perfect kiss. There was no tongue drooling, no wild face eating. It was a perfect harmonious connection that only two veteran lovers could achieve. I heard her sigh and nearly moan at one point and I could feel her loosely trembling in my arms. I vaguely felt my pants starting to get tight and over crowded. We matched each others’ movements like two birds dancing in the wind. I couldn’t say how long it lasted. When it did end, we merely stood there and stared at each other with moron like grins. In that tiny, fleeting moment this wasn’t the promiscuous and flirty woman I had come to know and mostly avoid. This was an entirely different woman, one I wanted to know much more about. Abruptly, that moment was gone. Ashley turned crimson red in the face and said she really had to go. In my head I agreed entirely, in my pants, I definitely disagreed. I’ll never forget, the last thing she said as she walked out the door was, “Your breath is really minty.” I laughed and said thank you. She gave me her old, sly smile that I love seeing now, and walked out the door. My heart was still reverberating thunderously minutes after she left. I might as well have just been knocked out, there was only open air flowing through my mind. The idea of interpreting what just happened was far beyond me. That kiss was supposed to be sloppy, dirty, and ideally wrong. It was the exact opposite, supremely intense and yet tenderly gentle. The worst part I couldn’t get my head around was that I enjoyed the kiss more than any other kiss I had had with my fiance. Seven years and I never felt that once with her, I was nothing short of flabbergasted. In spite of all the chaotic confusion my mind was now in, I knew one thing was for certain: I could no longer call myself a proud, honorable man. Reaching this pitiful conclusion and still reeling from that kiss, I went and beat my meat for the first time in months. My relationship with Ashley escalated quickly, as my relationship with my fiance deteriorated to a simple nothingness. The following weeks brought more distraught home life which made me become closer with Ashley, even though we hardly saw each other. Even messaging was risky at this point. The line had been crossed weeks ago, we knew there was no turning back from that unrealistic kiss. The seed of lust was planted and every day it grew and grew like an unstoppable tsunami wave heading for a village that doesn’t stand a chance in hell. The day finally came when Ashley surprised me with a visit while my fiance was at work. I was sleeping on the couch, which was pretty normal, when Ashley woke me up with her sparkling eyes and deadly smile. My heart and penis began throbbing simultaneously, I knew exactly where this was heading and I was profoundly excited. We talked for maybe a minute and then cut the bull shit. We didn’t kiss much, there were bigger issues that needing tending. I carried her to the bedroom and tossed her onto the bed, she laughed sheepishly while never taking her big doe eyes off me. I yanked off her pants, which were black, elastic yoga pants. She told me later she intentionally wore them, just for me to pull off.I was hard as a rock and my own pants had to go, it was agonizing. We didn’t even bother taking our shirts off, it seemed vaguely important. I climbed on top of her and started rubbing on her clit ever so slowly. She was already entirely drenched. She stopped me for a brief moment and had to take a second to catch her breath. She told me I had no idea how long she had been waiting for this. I told her I probably did know and smiled down at her. She grabbed my man hood and guided me in. We fucked for about five minutes and she came. I could feel her insides squeezing and releasing my dick and that’s when I came. Our orgasm alone was at least another minute. If you were to have told me there was better sex to come with her, I would have abruptly slapped you and called you a liar. I was pretty sure sex couldn’t get any better than that, but my mind was still in a terrible place. I was still depressed and had frequent bi-polar mood swings.We continued our constant lust affair under the nose of my fiance for another six months. This was the tipping point, where everything changes from here. My fiance had finally had enough, she finally recognized my despair was chronic and decided it was her time to exit. I never received a true explanation until the following week when she said she had been cheating on me. There was no better time than this to lay the cards on the table, so I told her. She didn’t seem surprised, or even to care at all. We both saw this as the end of our seven year reign, and although my story with her becomes quite vicious and nasty on both sides, the day we became honest with each other was the last day I felt any love for her. I wish I could say something beyond incredible sex proved fruitful between me and Ashley, but once we didn’t have to sneak around anymore, the exciting riskiness of our relationship quickly faded. All we had was the intoxicating sex and even that wasn’t enough. We reached a point where we simply couldn’t trust each other. We fought like crazy and said the dumbest shit to each other. We ended our relationship on volatile grounds. A day later, I hit my rock bottom and finally attempted that ever so evasive suicide. I was found gobbling pills down like harmless candy. The ambulance was called and I was hauled away to the crazy house for three days. Remember that ironic bastard? Well this time he got something right. Those three days changed my entire life. I met people who had been through so much their brain literally could not be happy. Damaged beyond repair, a life of endless crying and heartbreak. I made the most important decision of my life while I was trapped in there; I wasn’t going to be one of these people. These lives that lived but aren’t truly alive. Since this decision, I’ve regained my sanity, my sex drive, and improved my quality of life. Including sex that doesn’t get any better.As I draw near the climax of my story, I just want to say that the connection Ashley and I shared since that first moment was nothing more than two bat shit crazy people accepting the other. She’s a chronic bi-polar, same as me. We shared a connection that ninety nine percent of people could never hope to comprehend. It was unfortunately through our bodies and not through our minds. I often think back to that brief, fleeting moment after our first kiss and wonder if we hadn’t done that, and had we allowed things to play out in my already failing relationship, perhaps our minds would have been able to attain the strong, vibrant mental connection relationships require. Two years later, with my new mental capacity in check, I started working again. I was starting to feel good, strong, and happily healthy. Life was looking up after being hopeless for so long and I was feeling great. Out of the blue, as per her normal, Ashley messaged me one day. She was depressed and not doing well. I knew exactly why and that made it too easy to sympathize with her. She wanted to come visit me and we both knew what that meant. It had been over a year since I had slept with anyone. My focus had been primarily on myself and it was basically impossible to say no to her. She had progressed through life as well, being a mother was treating her well and keeping her focus where it needed to be. We were both different people than we once were, but we were also still so very different from each other.Ashley arrived at my house around noon, still shining her same stunning smile. We talked for a few hours about the little, every day things, gradually building up to the important ones. The talking came to a sudden end and we simply stared at each other. We kissed, slowly at first, letting things progress at a relaxing rate. Her lips were always warm and inviting when pressed against mine. My heart began its rebellious rampage in my chest and I had to move away from her to catch my breath. She smiled before bolting into my bedroom. I followed with literally no reluctance and wearing a shy grin of my own.Ashley was already on the bed waiting for me as I came through the door. During these exciting periods of time, we rarely did any talking. Our eyes said everything that needed to be said. I put on music, not romantic or slow shit. This was dubstep, and it’s the perfect music for two crazy ass people about to have some crazy ass sex. I joined Ashley on my bed and our lips made immediate contact. This was the kiss I imagined our first one to be like: Primal and full of raw, sexual emotion. Our tongues m*****ed one another and our lips were drenched in each others’ spit. I reached behind her and unhooked her huge bra then laid her on her back. My lips left hers, and she quickly lifted her head up to rejoin mine. But I had different plans. I slid one hand up her shirt, slowly and used the other to gently push her back down. Making sure I tickled her ribs only slightly as my hand crept further up her shirt, she twitched, laughed and showed me the goose bumps on her arms. I only smiled in return. My hand reached its prize and I gently flicked her nipples with my thumb. Her nipples were her weak spot, I had known this for some time and used it to my advantage. She silently moaned and her hips dug into my bed. I pulled the other side of her shirt up and started kissing her ribs while still playing with her perfect nipple. Ashley began squirming with her whole body and grinding her hips with force. I swear I could hear her heart beating over my own. Working my way up, I found her other breast with my lips and started left a substantial purple hickey under her nipple. I could feel how hot her whole body was getting and I imagined how hot her pussy was.With my hickey finished, I moved up to her now rock hard nipple. I started flicking her left nipple with my tongue and pinching her right nipple with my fingers. “Oh God!” She moaned while grabbing the back of my head. As she came for the first time that day, I stopped flicking my tongue and gently nibbled on it. Her hand on my head tightened and about ten more Oh Gods flew out from her mouth in rapid sequence. Her hips ground into my bed and froze there for a mere second. I felt her thick legs shake and tremble as she tried to resist cumming so soon. I simultaneously bit and pinched harder, putting her past her threshold. Her legs changed patterns, now convulsing and tightening. Her hips moved rhythmically, as if they were meeting some invisible lover. Small, silent gasps escaped through her parted, red lips and as she neared the end of her orgasm, I met my lips to hers. She embraced me with vicious hunger, as she was still hungry for more, much more. And so was I.I wasted no time in getting her shirt off and tossing it on the floor. She assisted me with my pants and wasted no time wrapping her warm, smooth hand around my throbbing, steel hard cock. Now it was my turn to moan. She knew when to squeeze and how hard. She also did something that no woman has done, pinch my nipples with her other free hand. I laid back and she followed, kissing, rubbing, and pinching me as we moved. She started working her way down my body with her mouth, spending extra time to tease one of my small nipples. I squirmed under the combination of pleasures she was putting me through. She knew I loved it. She worked her way down, slowly and purposefully until finally reaching my dick. She used her tongue to circle around my head, very slowly and teasingly. I could feel the solid, throbbing of my dick in her hand, which she maintained constant pressure on. Ashley decided the teasing was over engulfed half of me in her wet mouth. She sucked hard and slowly pulled her head up and back down. She wouldn’t even try to take all of me in her mouth, three quarters was as far as she would go. I didn’t care, I was enjoying every second of her phenomenally soft hand and equally soft tongue. She continued like this for at least five amazing minutes but I had to stop her. Not because I was going to cum, but because I was hungry, and I wanted more. Ashley rejoined me at my side and we started kissing like hyenas again. I immediately undid her pants and ripped them off, being mindful to leave her socks on though. I rolled her onto her back and climbed on top. My mouth was back on her nipple and my hands were all over her body. I swept my fingers across the inside of her thighs and gradually worked them up to her sweet, soaking wet pussy. Gently caressing her clit with my thumb deepened her breathing spontaneously and made her thighs clench in pleasure. I stopped rubbing her with my thumb and instead used the head of my dick to slowly slide up and over her clit. She started gasping in shallow breaths again and I couldn’t take holding off my own primitive desire any longer.Finished with her nipple for now, I move my head back to meet hers once again. I didn’t kiss her though, only stared into her gorgeously big eyes as I entered her. I went gently and slowly, feeling every part of her pussy stretch to accommodate me. She winced a couple of times, she wasn’t the slut she used to be and I’m not small. Her heart was nearly beating out of her beautiful chest and I could feel her vigorous pulse pounding inside her. Every time I made my retreat back, I could feel her wetness cling to my dick, enveloping it. Ashley now had one chubby, small hand on my lower back and the other on the back of my neck. Each time I hit her g-spot I would stop right on it and start grinding against her, up and down instead of in and out. Each time, her eyes rolled up and her grip tightened on me. She tried cumming more than once and every time I stopped moving entirely, purposely edging her. I re-positioned myself and started to really fuck her. Pulling all the way out and instantly slamming my full girth back into her with an audible wet, slapping noise. Her shiny, polished finger nails dug into my back with confidence and meaning causing me to gain speed and power. Then I felt her entire pussy tighten. It was like my dick was caught in a Chinese finger trap. I never stopped this time. I continued hitting her g-spot over and over, occasionally rubbing on it. Her head shot up and her mouth was wide open in anticipation. Her thighs gripped me forcefully and when her orgasm finally hit they squeezed even tighter. Her chest rose as her back arched instinctively. I grabbed both of her hands in my right one, and held them firmly behind her head. I knew this sudden unexpected turn of domination would make her already powerful orgasm grow into something greater. Her immediate words proved me right.”Oh fuck, baby oh fuck oh fuck!” She screamed as her climax finally hit. I pounded into her one last time and focused primarily on hitting her sweet spot. My other hand was wrapped firmly around her tit while pinching her nipple with my knuckles. As Ashley continued screaming, digging at my back, and gasping for air, I was caught in a trance. The usage of words falls short compared to what my dick was feeling at that exact moment. It was a tight fit to begin with, but once she started cumming, she started squirting with me still inside. I felt her hot skeet flowing down my balls. Both our legs were now covered in her sweet juices and she still wasn’t done. She bucked her hips up and down in no real rhythm or logical motion. Wave after wave of pure pleasure hit her. Her face burned crimson red and her eyes were clamped shut. Every muscle in her body flexed and convulsed under my endless assault. Her orgasm lasted at least a minute and even when it was over, she was twitchy, short of breath, and still on fire. Once she caught her breath I smiled and at her and said my turn. She simply smiled back, her same old frosty white smile. We both knew she would cum again when I did.I started slowly again, but worked my speed up quickly. I had my right arm wrapped under her lower back, firmly gripping her side. My other arm was under her neck and holding her shoulder. I loved doing this with her as she would bite my arm when I really started fucking her and she knew that’s what would set me off. I felt my eruption building, but I didn’t slow down. I held it back and sped up. Ashley began making her gasping noises and as predicted she latched on to my arm. All at once, I couldn’t hold it back any longer. My arms bear hugged her, pushing the air out of her lungs. A few of my vertebrae popped as all their supporting muscles clenched together. I stopped balls deep in her as the first part of my orgasm started. I filled her nearly instantly and felt my own juices come seeping out. As my arms squeezed her, her pussy squeezed me and I started thrusting hard again. At this moment, time didn’t exist or it stood still. Nothing existed besides the bass pounding in my ears, my heart thundering in my chest, and my cock being squeezed like a stress ball. Somewhere in my orgasm, she came again and it heightened mine even more. Finally, I was exhausted. I laid my head on Ashley, with my dick still twitching sporadically inside of her, and tried to regain my composure. The wet spot on my bed was at least three feet in diameter, I had never seen anything like it. We were a sticky, sweaty mess, but we laid like that for ten minutes before she asked if I was ready for round two. I sheepishly grinned up at her, of course I was.